Monday 11 June 2012


Garlic information

Garlic - Allium sativa (in the Liliaceae or Lily family)

Parts used: Cloves.

Taste/smell: Pungent, warm.

Tendencies: Heating, stimulating, and drying.

Dosage: 1:1 fresh strength liquid extract: 30-60 drops 1-4 times per day. Note: It is best to use fresh cloves, especially for a bacterial or parasitic infection. Capsules and tinctures can also be used in other conditions.

Mental picture and specific indications: Garlic stimulates digestion and cardiovascular circulation. It is indicated for dyspepsia, hypertension, arthritic pain and individuals with catarrhal affections. The tongue is pale with red papillae.

Use: (a) Antibacterial, (b) Antifungal, (c) Antiparasitic, (d) Diuretic, (e) Carminative, (f) Natriuretic, an agent that increases excretion of sodium in urine, (g) Anticoagulant, (h) Antithrombotic, (i) Hypotensive, (j) Antispasmodic, (k) Hypoglycemic, (l) Diaphoretic, (m) Cholagogue, (n) Inhibits tumor growth, (o) Supports immune function, (p) Protects the liver, (q) Lowers cholesterol and triglycerides, (r) Increases HDL.

Garlic is used to decrease plaque in atherosclerosis and is beneficial for infectious conditions, high blood pressure, dysentery, peripheral vascular diseases, diabetes and liver disease.

Contraindications: Garlic may cause gastrointestinal disturbance in sensitive individuals and should be avoided by persons with hot constitutions. It is contraindicated with acute inflammation, insomnia, dehydration, hypoglycemia, brittle diabetes, pemphigus, impending surgery, organ transplants and concomitant use with anticoagulants. Large amounts can decrease the uptake of iodine by the thyroid.

Copyright 1999 by Sharol Tilgner, N.D. (ISBN 1-881517-02-0) - all rights reserved.

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