Monday 11 June 2012

White Oak

White oak bark information
White oak bark - Quercus alba (in the Fagaceae or Oak family) Note: other oaks can be used;

Part used: Bark.

Taste/smell: Astringent.

Tendencies: Drying.

Dosage: Decoction: 1-2 teaspoons per cup of water; or 1:5 dry strength liquid extract: 10-60 drops 1-4 times per day.

Mental picture and specific indications: White oak bark is indicated in subacute and chronic conditions with exhaustion from disease, fevers, night sweats, ulcerations, relaxed and atonic tissues, prolapsed organs and putrid states.

Use: (a) Astringent, (b) Styptic.

White oak bark is used for mucous membrane irritation like gum ulcerations, sore throats, wounds, local inflammations, weeping eczema and leg ulcers. It can be used as a compress for eye inflammations. It is beneficial for passive hemorrhages and venous laxity and congestion like bleeding hemorrhoids and other varicosities. Oak bark is useful in treating the symptoms of diarrhea.

Contraindications: It is contraindicated for external use with extensive skin surface damage. Strong, full baths are contraindicated in cardiac insufficiency stages III and IV, febrile infectious disorders, and weeping eczema over a large area.

Copyright 1999 by Sharol Tilgner, N.D. (ISBN 1-881517-02-0) - all rights reserved.

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